Monday, May 16, 2011

What is pirate cinema?

The idea of the Pirate Cinema is to go into an unused space and use it for a temporary event 
 (the screening of a film). The space is used for only one night and then we pack up and head
home leaving very little trace of ever being there.

At the cinema people are offered to have D.I.Y. stalls, bring acoustic instruments and have a
jam, bring portable music devices and play music before or after to make it more of an event.

The Pirate Cinema provides free entertainment. It is a subtle protest against high cinema prices,
copy write laws (I am not even allowed to screen a movie that I own to a public audience) and
the commercialisation of entertainment. It is pro-independent films and gives films that wouldn’t
get shown at a main stream cinema a chance to get screened. The project aims to build a
community around using these unused spaces for free and cheap entertainment.

To run the pirate cinema we would take in a battery system, an inverter, a projector and
portable DVD player and set up a cinema for one night in the space.

A lot of the equipment is home made. The battery system is made of decommissioned wheel
chair batters mounted in a homemade road case and wired together in a series. Both a store
bought projector and a home made data projector that is made out of an over head projector
and parts of a LCD screen have been used.

For more information see the wiki listing at

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